Mexico's Secretaria de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural/Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development (SADER)

Mexico’s Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development (SADER) promotes the sustainable use of resources, the generation of attractive sources of employment, and the continued competitiveness of agricultural products. In October 2015, SADER initiated the Plan for the Care of Coffee. The Plan for the Care of Coffee’s mission is to unite efforts and increase coffee production to 4.5 million bags in 2018-19, focusing on improving production and income of coffee farmers for a sustainable livelihood.

Statement of support

“Coffee is a crucial product for Mexico with a current estimated production of 2.35 million bags annually. As in most coffee producing regions around the world, the vast majority of our coffee is grown by smallholder farmers – nearly 500,000 – who rely on the industry for their economic livelihoods. We believe that by publicly stating our commitment to work with our farmers to ensure sustainable practices that increase productivity and enhance their livelihood, while also minimizing the impact on the ecosystem, we can help set an example of how to elevate positive outcomes across all coffee producing regions.” Santiago Arguello, Director of Coordination for Mexico’s Integrated Plan for the Care of Coffee

Government Agency
Action Networks
Partner Since June 2016

Our Commitments

Mexico’s Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development (SADER) initiated the Plan for the Care of Coffee in October 2015. The Plan commits to unite efforts and increase coffee production to 4.5 million bags in 2018-19, focusing on increasing production and income of coffee farmers for a sustainable livelihood.

In partnership with: SENASICA, INIFAP, CONABIO, CDI, SNICS, SIAP, SNITT, FIRA, FND, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

Target date 2019
Countries targeted Mexico