Catur Coffee Company

Catur Coffee Company is an exporting Coffee company, sourcing both specialty and commercial grade green beans. We are in the beginning of our sustainability & transparency journey, we are committed to build a business that is sustain for our customers, employees, society and most important is planet, we understand that in order to reach the finish line won't be easy, there are still a lot of exploring and inventing that needs to happen, but with passion and partnership, we believe we can build a better future together, specially in coffee industry.

Partner Since 2022

Our Commitments

Catur Coffee Company supports Sustainability Development Goals. We try our best to prioritize the 3P [People, Planet & Profit] in our business ethos. Giving back to the community, sourcing the best coffee from Indonesia to the world, applying sustainable practice in our business and be the agent of change.

In partnership with: 1. We partnered with company named BUMITERRA, they help us to measure our Carbon Emission and we support them by invest to Forest Conservation & Restoration that is currently happening in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. 2. GREEN HOPE, is our partner that we choose to help us in producing Biodegradable packaging for our products.

Target date 2025