

Guatemala has significant need for R&R since it has not yet recovered from a recent La Roya outbreak

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R&R Need

~70% of total land is in need of R&R

SHF land in R&R need

‘000 hectares

75,000 ha No need
169,000 ha R&R need

Need is primarily driven by old trees and exposure to disease (La Roya affected ~70% of coffee growing areas), and to a lesser extent climate change.

Current SHF yield & potential uplift

Tons per hectare

Current yield
Target yield

Uplift potential


Moderate uplift potential on national supply

Potential increase in supply


Total national supply could increase ~2-15% if R&R and GAP is implemented on all SHF land in need of R&R2

(1) The current yield is calculated on the basis of SHF production divided by SHF land area, the potential yield uplift is based on an internal estimate based on other mixed countries and current yields.
(2) Rounded to the nearest 5%, estimate assumes that R&R and GAP increase yields with 51%, and the range reflects a 25-100% R&R success rate. Sources: FAO Statistics database; ICO statistics; GCP and Technoserve, Economic Viability of Coffee Farming, 2017; USDA, Annual Coffee Report, 2017; FNC, Sostenabilidad en Accion, 2013; Santiago Silva Restrepo; Evaluacion de impacto de los progresos de renovacion de cafetales 2007-11, 2012; Risk and Finance in the Coffee Sector, The world Bank, February 2015; Dalberg Interview

Other Viability Considerations

  • There are almost no large and medium coffee farmers in Guatemala. They have mostly shifted to more profitable crops
  • Relatively little government support, though Anacafé is well positioned to increase SHF incomes

Farmer Segmentation

Mosst SHFs are in tight & loose value chains

  1. Large & medium farmers
  2. Commercial farmers in tight value chains
  3. Commercial farmers in loose value chains
  4. Disconnected farmers

National production is dominated by SHFs

The majority of SHFs are either in tight or loose value chains. Most farmers groups do not have capacity to provide TA and finance to their members.

# SHFs



(includes SHFs <7hectares – ~1% of global SHFs1)

# SHF land

‘000 hectares


(~100% of national land) – average farm size typically ~2 hectares

# SHF production

‘000 hectares


(~98% of national production)

Assessment of SHF orgs.

~70% of SHFs are linked to coops or loosely organized groups.

Links to market

A majority of SHFs are linked to the market through coyotes, ‘loan sharks’ that charge extremely high interest rates.

(1) Assuming a global SHF population of 20 million. Source: FAO Statistics database; ICO statistics; GCP and Technoserve,Economic Viability of Coffee Farming, 2017; Root Capital, Learning Report: the CFIR, 2016; USDA, Annual Coffee Report, 2017; IHCAFE, Programa de Asistencia al Pequeno Productor, 2017; IHCAFE, El sector café de Honduras: avances, institucionalidades and desafios, 2017; Dalberg Interview

Enabling Environment for R&R

  • Coffee share of GDP: 1.6% (2013).
  • The National Coffee Association (Anacafé) advises the Government on coffee policies for production and commercialization.
  • In 2014, the government created the “Trust for financial support for producers in the coffee sector” (the Trust Fund) with assets of USD 100 million dedicated to supporting farmers affected by La Roya.To date, about 40% of the fund has not been disbursed.
  • Anacafé produces seeds (including the rust resistant variety Anacafé 14), but there is a lack of production at commercial volumes.
  • Many SHFs produce their own seeds, but these typically have low quality.
  • Seeds may be imported from Nicaragua, but the certification process is slow.
  • Low access to commercial bank loans for SHFs.
  • The Trust Fund has not yet been fully disbursed to SHFs.
  • Some coops provide TA, but coops generally have little capacity to deliver TA.
  • The Coffee Board does not prioritize the TA budget, and cuts it in case of crisis.

Examples of R&R programs

Following La Roya, programs mostly focused on renovation of affected areas

Anacafé and USAID – Rural Value Chains project

Anacafé provided supported to farmer organizations to perform R&R. 129 organizations benefited from the project, over 3,000 hectares were renovated, and yields increased by over 60%

World Coffee Research - Seed Verification program

CR partners with local nurseries to develop genetic control of seed

Starbucks - One Tree One Bag

For each bag of coffee sold, Starbucks gives USD 0.70 to seed distribution to areas affected by La Roya in Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico.

Learn more and get involved

There is a lot of work to be done to ensure the long-term supply of coffee from countries where the crop has long shaped the social and economic fabric. Learning to extend the life of their trees and improve yields helps farmers stabilize annual production and in turn, income, while the rest of the world benefits from a steady supply of quality coffee. Continue on to learn more about the immediate attention and action that is required to make this a reality.