Producer Training Project

A grant funded program in Brazil educates farmers around process-oriented practices, such as rehabilitation, and more sustainable inputs-oriented practices

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  • R&R type Grant-based rehabilitation 1
  • Country Brazil
  • Costs USD 0.66 million in cash and USD 2 million in
  • Dates 2014-2017

Project Context

  • Brazil is a specific case for renovation: about 50% of coffee is produced by large farmers who integrate R&R as part of their regular agricultural practices.
  • Climate change associated to poor practices have been causing quality, productivity and economic issues to the whole supply chain and severe water issues.
  • Over use or wrong use of inputs lead to input losses, high costs and socio-environmental impacts.
  • Small and medium farmers not reaching the better markets, and reaching lower price market.

Objectives, Activities, and Results

  • The overall purpose of the producer training project delivered by ACOB is to “innovate and promote sustainability in the coffee sector offering smart, low cost, clean, simple, innovative and efficient practices to producers”.
  • ACOB trained 2705 coffee farmers on GAP, rehabilitation practices, coffee quality and group organization.153 training sessions were performed.
  • Value creation: increased yields, reduced costs, added value to the coffee sold, improved livelihoods, reduced land degradation; coffee plots and coffee farms are more resilient to climate change.
  • Value capture: the program finances a public good – finance providers do not directly capture the value created.

Project Context

Management of the three R&R Components


The program does not have an input distribution component.

Challenges faced
Brazilian farmers can typically access the needed inputs (e.g. fertilizers), but sometimes struggle to use them correctly (amount, timing and type of agrochemicals).

The program teaches SHFs to use process-oriented practices and more sustainable use of input-oriented practices. Pruning, stumping and replanting are part of these practices.


N/A : No finance provided to SHF


ACOB and partners.

Challenges faced
Farmers lack training on smart agricultural practices, on climate & water issues, on coffee quality and on producer organization.

ACOB offers 4 training modules to farmers, under the form of field trainings, group trainings and publications. One of the modules, “Sustainable coffee management” includes education on R&R.

(1) Promoting rehabilitation is one of the objectives of the producer training project. Objectives include (i) promote smart and low cost practices to increase yields and sustainability, (ii) increase coffee quality, (iii) implement practices to make coffee more CLIMATE resilient, (iv) support farmer organizations and (v) support women in all the parts of the value chain.Source: ACOB, Producer training project, 2017 – Dalberg interviews.

Lessons Learned

  • Showing real-life example of success helps farmers to engage with new practices
    Seeing short-term economic benefits of the new practices helped farmers and their peers to adopt new practices. Program implementers should screen practices leading to short-term economic results and promote them to farmers.

  • Investing in renovation without analyzing the soil and micro-climate conditions is risky
    Renovation is advised when rehabilitation can no longer recoup yields. Yet, if trees, soil and environment are mismanaged, positive effects from renovation will not last. ACOB is training farmers on soil and micro-climate management practices to make future renovation investments sustainable.

Learn more and get involved

There is a lot of work to be done to ensure the long-term supply of coffee from countries where the crop has long shaped the social and economic fabric. Learning to extend the life of their trees and improve yields helps farmers stabilize annual production and in turn, income, while the rest of the world benefits from a steady supply of quality coffee. Continue on to learn more about the immediate attention and action that is required to make this a reality.